For number and class placement, you can reference our Vehicle Identification Guide.
With this handy kit, you can make your own NUMBERS and CLASS LETTERS. Just download and print the appropriate class letters and numbers, then print them out on your home printer. You can either tape them to both sides of your car, or use them as templates to cut out magnetic numbers. Just be sure that the final product is in a contrasting color so it can be read. (No white on white or silver on grey, for example.) All the files are Adobe Acrobat format, so you will need an Acrobat reader to use them. You can download a free version of Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Reader here.
Sea of Cones: A Documentary About Autocross (an excellent documentary produced as a student project by Stephen Chiang. Linked with the author’s permission, all rights reserved.)
Want to know more about how to autocross, including what Solo (Autocrossing) is? Check out the SOLO pages of the official SCCA web site. This will give you a full description of how we enjoy our weekends.

Worker Guides

  • Announcer’s Guide
  • Grid Guide
  • Corner Guide
  • Rule Guides

  • National Solo Rules
  • Supplemental Rules
  • Sound Guide