Welcome to Rocky Mountain Solo FORUMS Novice Help / Getting Started First Timer – Test ‘n Tune or Summer Championship Series 3?

Welcome to Rocky Mountain Solo FORUMS Novice Help / Getting Started First Timer – Test ‘n Tune or Summer Championship Series 3?

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  • Jeff LoweJeff Lowe
    Post count: 2

    Hey everyone!


    I’m excited to see the weather is warming up and we’re getting ready to heat up some tires. I’m hoping to better understand the “Test ‘n Tune” days. I might have convinced my partner to come autocrossing with me, using my car, and the first meet at the Air and Space port has a double header weekend. I’ve attended autocross before but she hasn’t. Would you say it might be better to sign up and attend the test day or the full championship day? I already told her it’s low stress for newbies, but I just want to go the extra mile to make her first time special (with hopes she comes regularly).



    Jeffrey TattershallJeffrey Tattershall
    Post count: 39

    Hi Jeff. I’m thinking it can go either way. The test n tune days are pretty laid back and you usually only need to work for a one hour session, afterwards you’re free to drive or wrench on the car or do whatever, so the potential is there to get a lot of runs and process things at your own pace. The downside is usually people are focused on doing their own thing and it’s generally low turnout, so the opportunity to have someone hop in and give advice is lower than you might receive from a full event. I think either way you can’t go wrong.

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